Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Top 10 Artworks of the Nativity

These are the ten most popular Nativity images at Restored Traditions. Since 2009, these beautiful artworks of the birth of Jesus Christ have been bought and downloaded more than any other Nativity images sold here (the order of the images goes from most to least downloaded).  
These paintings are a combination of several themes revolving around the birth of Christ in Bethlehem: shepherds, kings, adoration, and the holy family. The only image without the Christ child is #9, which shows the Angel announcing the Nativity to the Shepherds. 
Though there are many typical motifs present, there are a few unusual points we find fascinating:
  • Saint Joseph is sleeping while God the Father and God the Holy Ghost appear at the Nativity in #6. Though Joseph certainly deserves his rest, we usually only see him sleeping in art when the go-to-Egypt-Herod-is-after-ya'll angel appears to him in a dream.
  • The most prominent, gift-giving magi in #2 has taken off his crown and kneels to adore the Christ child. While doing so, he shows us that he's a bearded and bald king — a fashion style we don't normally see in art renditions of the three kings. 
  • A prominently shown Crucifix is painted on the top left of #7. This is certainly a foreshadowing of the reason for God becoming man: Redemption. Once again, though, a motif we don't normally see in Nativity artwork. 
We wish everyone a fruitful Advent season and blessed Christmas!

1. The Adoration of the Shepherds by Murillo image

2. The Adoration of the Magi by Franz von Rohden 


3. The Adoration of the Shepherds by Bernardo Strozzi 


4. The Adoration of the Magi by Carlo Dolci


5. The Nativity by John Singleton Copley


6. The Nativity with God the Father and Holy Ghost by Giovanni Battista Pittoni


7. The Nativity by Lorenzo Lotto


8. The Holy Night by Carl Heinrich Bloch 


9. The Shepherds and the Angel by Carl Heinrich Bloch 


10. The Nativity by Federico Barocci


Monday, July 15, 2013

10 Catholic Paintings with Kids Staring at you

We can't help but cracking up a bit by noticing Carl Bloch's sense of humor and simplicity. It's fun to get to know the personality of the artist through the greatest legacy he left behind. No, Bloch didn't write a nifty blog—he spoke through his paintings. It's fascinating to get to know a person solely through their art!

So what have we learned about our new friend Carl? He loved sneaking random children into his paintings that express some of the greatest stories of Catholicism. It's not something you notice right away, and it's not something he did in every painting, but there are certainly enough of his artworks where children show up (usually appearing around 10-years-old) and, what's even more cool is that they're usually the only ones looking right at the viewer's eyes, shoes or shoulders. Subliminal messaging you say? ha!

Carl Bloch had eight children whom he dearly loved. His friend, Hans Christian Andersen (famous children's author), also saw the simplicity of a child in Bloch's very personality. To commemorate one of his books, Andersen wrote the following verse about Carl Bloch:

"When we then met, you were just as I thought
A child in soul and yet so manly wise.
Modest, doubting of thy own strength
Yet very sure of what Our Lord had bade thee
For otherwise such work could never be done."

Andersen left, Bloch right.

In one of Bloch's letters to Andersen, Carl expressed his desire to create art that inspires simple people.

"Should I have a desire here on the earth that I dare hope would be fulfilled, it would be that I might do things  that the simple man (he who has been there all along) would esteem well."

So let's do a survey of some of these children that show up in his paintings. Perhaps the children were even modeled off his own children.

In Christ the Consolator, Christ outsretches his arms to embrace mankind. Jesus is surrounded by suffering souls who are looking all over the place, and we see the only person looking at the camera (ahem, viewer) is a child with a doubtful look on his face. It almost looks like a hand-caught-in-the-cookie jar look. But that's just our take.

The painting of Christ Cleansing the Temple shows a crop of terrified merchants running for their lives as Jesus gives them the boot from the temple. The frightened looking child is lost in the chaos of the moment while all are fleeing. He appears to have a rag over his arm, so maybe he's the sandal shiner boy, or perhaps a child of one of the merchants.

In Come Unto Me, it appears to be a little girl looking at the viewer this time around. So far, it appears to be a boy in all the other images. Once again, as in the case of Christ the Consolator, everyone is looking in different places and worrying about their troubles. Only the child stares at you with a slightly somber look as if to say: "it's ok, be simple like me and you'll get to heaven."

While Christ Heals the Blind Man on the road to Jericho, we get to see a variety of characters; once again with all different expressions and moods (read our blog post about these personalities). Though it's easy to infer a lot of different moods in this painting, one of the most obscure characters is the grinning child we see being held back by his dad. He's probably giggling, because it looks like his distracted brother is playing with his hair (parents, you know the drill). One can imagine the father whispering to his child: "Sshhh, son. Our Lord is tied up doing a miracle right now. We probably won't get a chance to see this again; you know how the people always crowd Him, and it's hard to get a good spot."

Once again, while Christ Heals the Paralytic at the Bethesda Pool, a sole and obscure child is one of two looking at the viewer. This time, the child is with his mother (lady holding the water pot) and possibly his grandma (directly above child) who, interestingly enough, is also staring at the viewer as well. The old woman behind the child is smiling this time, while the child has a dazed look on his face that's either oblivious to the miracle going on or still trying to figure out what's happening on their daily water run.

This time around, it's a little more difficult to spot our staring child in the painting Christ and the Children. The most obvious child in the detail above is intently looking at Jesus, while a tiny half face and eye (rest hidden in a shadow) appears to be looking at your shoes. Perhaps, in this case, he's simply waiting his turn to receive a blessing from Christ. Isn't that life? We spend half of it waiting in lines.

It's pretty hard to miss the child in Christ and the Small Child. Our Lord embraces and emphasizes the olive-branch holding boy who appears to be looking at your right shoulder this time around (coffee stain on your shirt maybe?). Certainly the emphasis on the child is that you need to be simple like him to gain the kingdom of heaven. The olive branch, on the other hand, traditionally symbolizes Christ's victory over death.

We almost missed this child while wading through Carl Bloch's art, but there the hidden boy is (almost as hidden as the one in Christ and the Children). While Jesus Christ is Raising Lazarus from the Dead (see a shadowed Lazarus ambulating out of the tomb?),  we catch a glimpse once again of a shadowy face and single eye staring at your eye. It's hard to tell, but the boy looks a little frightened this time. It's not that surprising, considering the crowd has gathered at the local graveyard, which is probably not the place the boy usually goes to play. However, what's possibly more terrifying (and incredible) is to hear and see Lazarus walking out of the tomb after you probably saw him cold and dead at the wake a few days previous.

Once again, it's very difficult to miss the child in the painting where Jesus is Found in the Temple. This time, though, he's not looking at your shoes or eyes but at the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph. In this painting, Bloch wants us to focus and imagine the expressions of the two as they see their twelve-year-old son Jesus after searching Jerusalem for three days. Judging by the look on the boy's face, he appears to be sad, surprised and empathetic after seeing their joy and tears—something we can use for our meditations on this mystery of the life of Christ.

And, finally, one of our very favorites at Restored Traditions: The Sermon on the Mount. Christ preaches the summation of christian doctrine in this painting, while we also get a handful of characters to look at. Each person in the painting has different emotions and dispositions for how they are receiving the word of God (probably would make another interesting blog post by itself). However, once again focusing on the child, we see him as the only young person in a world of adults. While not looking at the coffee stain on your right shoulder this time, our little guy is in the middle of a daunting task: trying to catch a butterfly! The boy is obviously missing the point of the sermon, but his dad (above) is devoutly soaking it all in with a gesture of fidelity (folded hands). This, in turn, teaches us the awesome responsibility father's have to learn the word of God and transmit it to their children.

     View Carl Bloch Paintings |   Read our Catholic Art Blog

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Art for Sundays of the Traditional Latin Rite

"A beautiful piece of classic art reflecting the liturgy for every Sunday and Holy Day; Now Available for sale as one winzip image bundle, available in two sizes."

We used the 1962 Missal for this, also called the Extraordinary Form or the Tridentine.

Instead of staying with one artist or style, we gave a variety of genres from the old-school religious art world. We think that there's really something for everyone in here. Special thanks go out to guys like Michelangelo, Murillo, Tissot, Bloch, iconographers and many more wonderful artists from days gone by that made this Catholic art happen.

Primarily, we drew from the Gospel (Latin Rite) of the day to choose the art image. In some cases, we simply went with the theme of the Sunday (e.g. Palm Sunday); whereas in other cases we drew from the Epistle.

Check out the blog post on our website where we list a full description of every image and why it's relevant for the Sunday or Holy Day. 

Buy all these image files (small version)

Buy all these image files (large version)


First Sunday of Advent
First Sunday of Advent

Second Sunday of Advent
2nd Sunday of Advent

Third Sunday of Advent
3rd Sunday of Advent

Fourth Sunday of Advent
4th Sunday of Advent


Sunday after Christmas
Sunday after Christmas

Sunday after Circumcision
Sunday after Circumcision,
Holy Name of Jesus


Adoration of Magi on Epiphany
Epiphany of Our Lord

First Sunday After Epiphany
1st Sunday after Epiphany,
Feast of the Holy Family

Second Sunday after Epiphany
2nd Sunday after Epiphany

Third Sunday After Epiphany
3rd Sunday after Epiphany

Fourth Sunday After Epiphany
4th Sunday after Epiphany

Fifth Sunday After Epiphany
5th Sunday after Epiphany

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany
6th Sunday after Epiphany


Septuagesima Sunday
Septuagesima Sunday

Sexagesima Sunday
Sexagesima Sunday

Quinquagesima Sunday
Quinquagesima Sunday


First Sunday of Lent
1st Sunday of Lent

Second Sunday of Lent
2nd Sunday of Lent

Third Sunday of Lent
3rd Sunday of Lent

Fourth Sunday of Lent
4th Sunday of Lent

Passion Sunday
Passion Sunday

Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday

   Buy all these image files (small version)   

   Buy all these image files (large version)


Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday

First Sunday after Easter
1st Sunday after Easter,
Low Sunday

Second Sunday after Easter
2nd Sunday after Easter

Third Sunday After Easter
3rd Sunday after Easter

Fourth Sunday After Easter
4th Sunday after Easter

Fifth Sunday After Easter
5th Sunday after Easter

Sunday After Ascension
Sunday after the Ascension


Pentecost Sunday

First Sunday After Pentecost
1st Sunday after Pentecost,
Trinity Sunday

Second Sunday After Pentecost
2nd Sunday after Pentecost

Third Sunday After Pentecost
3rd Sunday after Pentecost

Fourth Sunday After Pentecost
4th Sunday after Pentecost

Fifth Sunday After Pentecost
5th Sunday after Pentecost

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
6th Sunday after Pentecost

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
7th Sunday after Pentecost

Eight Sunday After Pentecost
8th Sunday after Pentecost

Ninth Sunday After Pentecost
9th Sunday after Pentecost

Tenth Sunday After Pentecost
10th Sunday after Pentecost

Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost
11th Sunday after Pentecost

Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost
12th Sunday after Pentecost

Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost
13th Sunday after Pentecost

Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost
14th Sunday after Pentecost

Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost
15th Sunday after Pentecost

Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost
16th Sunday after Pentecost

Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost
17th Sunday after Pentecost

Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost
18th Sunday after Pentecost

Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost
19th Sunday after Pentecost

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
20th Sunday after Pentecost

Twenty First Sunday After Pentecost
21st Sunday after Pentecost

Twenty Second Sunday After Pentecost
22nd Sunday after Pentecost

Twenty Third Sunday After Pentecost
23rd Sunday after Pentecost

Twenty Fourth Sunday After Pentecost
Last Sunday after Pentecost

Holy Days of Obligation/ Feast Days

Nativity of Our Lord

Feast of Saint Stephan
Feast of St. Stephen

Presentation of Christ in Temple Circumcision
New Year's Day,
The Circumcision

Feast of St. Patrick
Feast of St. Patrick

Feast of Saint Joseph
Feast of St. Joseph

Ascension Thursday
Ascension Thursday

Feast of Corpus Christi, Body of Christ
Feast of Corpus Christi

Feast of Apostles Peter and Paul
Feast of Apostles
Peter and Paul

Feast of Saint James the Great
Feast of St. James the Great

Assumption August 15
The Assumption

Feast of Christ the King, October
Feast of Christ the King

All Saints Day
All Saints Day

Feast of the Immaculate Conception
The Immaculate Conception

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